As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

Where I Work/Play

A fairly productive day today - one sister kindly picked up some bookcases from Ikea the other day and the other sister kindly brought them around last night. Today I put them together and they joined the third very old MFI bookcases on top of the drawers. Now I can put all my bits and bobs up out of the way and actually see what I've got too.

Doubtless the place will be a total tip within a couple of days but for now it's relatively tidy.

I did try some more self portraits - slapped a tonne of make-up on, did my hair and produced a load of rot. Hey ho - can't get it right every day!

Meanwhile time to wash up and get a coffee - methinks the rest of the day isn't going to be quite as productive.......

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