The Keendom

By lookeengood

Blips been a nice lazy day.

Today has been a day at home in the Keendom. I have tidied and fininshed and put away ALL my ironing (go Mummy Keen) and Daddy K has made mousakka and baked some bread! - Domesticated or what??

We also popped to the supermarket where Baby K proceeded to run around like a loon and try to rearrange several shelves. She also made a little baby in her car seat chuckle away every time we passed her in the aisles! - It was very sweet to see how she interacts with wee ones.

Again, Baby K went out like a light at bed time, although I fear our undisturbed nights are about to come to an end if the dribbling and chewing is anything to go by. She also keeps touching her ears which is what she did when her top molars appeared.... So teething joy may start again soon....

Sooo, tonight Daddy K and I are going to sit in our tidy house, enjoying a glass of wine whilst eating homemade bread and Mousakka. Lovely stuff.

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