Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

Izzy gazing at all those muddle puddles outside!
Weather has been shocking today.... I am getting abit worried about our camping trip now!

We have had success potty wise today, I am so so proud of Izzy!
She has been awful with screaming at the potty and not wanting to use it or the toilet but last night I was doing the washing up and I heard "mummy come here please" she was in her bedroom, I asked what she was doing and she said "i'm reading my potty book to the kids" (the kids are her teddies!!) she then said she wanted to go buy a special potty like in the book, so today we did and also treated her to a really cute rag doll like in the book!! So anyway we sat and sat and sat then a little wee came out and the music started! As soon as she realised there was music that was it! 6 more wees and a big poo, which say says is skinky!! haha, so chuffed, I just hope it continues!

Anyway off to spend an hour with James before he has to go to bed before his 3am wake up!!


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