Views of my world

By rosamund


Had a strange day today. Woke up from a fitful sleep which had been peppered with bizarre dreams. Did some work for a couple of hours then went to pick up Noah from his aunts where he'd stayed the night. He took a tumble off a skateboard yesterday and he still couldn't put weight on his leg so we took a we detour past casualty to get it checked out. He's not done major damage but one of his ligaments in his left knee is 'a bit lax'. So relieved it's not any worse but it's never easy to watch your son trying to be brave with silent tears while someone manipulates muscles in clearly a very painful way. He was a star and just squeezed my hand and let them do their thing. Was a bit wiped tonight but managed a teeny bit of spinning, a few rows of knitting and washed these skeins of homespun which you have seen individually so they are ready for use.

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