simple moments

By simplemoments

dandy rah-rah

so do you ever take waaaay too much time on a blip? figuring out which pic you're going to post? ...this has been my day today. sigh...

i met up with a friend for church and then we oohed and aahed over the little baby birdies that hatched... cute little things... all totally smothered together in their tiny, itty-bitty nest... and i mean smothered. there are 5 of them and no room for them to move... you can barely distinguish bodies from heads... just a couple of beaks poking through all the feathers... i snapped pictures that i thought were adorable but then when i began processing - alas... all you could really see were feathers - with a couple little yellow beaks! how do you post that? i ask you... you'd all be looking amidst brown fluff trying to figure out what on earth i'd posted... can't have that. i tried every which way - hours of processing and fussing. you know who it reminded me of... molly! you know how she'd sometimes go on and on? 'member? sigh.... anyway, i wanted you to see the little things but i just am not having it.

so instead you get this... a dandy dandylion... not that there's anything wrong with that. in fact, the more i looked at this, the more i started seeing things. probably because my eyes are starting to go buggy on me. but doesn't it appear that there's a face here - do you see it? 2 eyes, a mouth there at the bottom? come on... bet you can. and she's got her arms out stretched in a cheer, right? yup... at least it's what i'm believing and seeing and hearing. a big 'ole cheer just for me - okay, for you, too - at this moment, right now... making it a

happy day.....

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