The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Silly Miss Molly

Molly is taking her time adjusting to having the new horses around.. It's her territory after all! Unluckily for her, striking out at the wire fence in anger was not a wise idea, as she caught her leg in the fence and lacerated it all the way upwhilst trying to free herself. She has effectively cheese-wired off half her chestnut and so this is extremely swollen and painful, hence the cold hosing. The cuts need to be rinsed with hot salt water too to kill infection before it is all bandaged up in gold-plated gamgee and vet wrap (DO NOT buy horse medical supplies from Country Ways in Aberdeen - Spent a flipping fortune on items which I know cost half as much almost everywhere else)!

Anyway, so much effort... Wish she would just behave! Also, decided to wash her tail today, however when I lifted it up to dunk into the bucket of soapy water I noticed that she has some KILLER nappy rash between her hind legs. Lucky me, had to clean that up to. Glamorous is my middle name ;)

Edit, looking back at this picture again I noticed that I have missed her knee by a mile! Too busy trying to get my camera to focus!

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