Another Day

By pcc

Required - the Heart and the Strength of an Ox.

One oclock today we were brought back to reality again.
One really big earthquake in Christchurch measuring a 5.5
The house shook rattled and moved for what seemed a long time.
Then again at 2 oclock was an even bigger one, a 6.

And there have been many many more in between and after.
We are safe and OK, but there are many people who have no power, more damage, liqeufaction and probably traumatised to the tilt.

These earthquakes and the major one in February have been to the east of the city and around the port hills area.
The fear for everyone is if the other September earthquake which was based west of the city in the country, called the Greendale Fault - if these 2 faults meet up and there will be one almighty one! No one can say - but fear is always there.

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