The Queen's Birthday Holiday.
I've always found it rather odd that we have a holiday for the Queen's official birthday here in Australia, but they don't have one in the UK!
Also, I feel I have to clarify that the Queen's real birthday is in April, the day she ascended the throne is February, so this date in June is the closest to the anniversary of the coronation, (unless you live in Western Australia when they celebrate this in October, why?) So, why isn't it an anniversary instead of a birthday. I don't know, and I presume most people don't care as it's a day off work.
In the photo are a few mementos from the coronation, from the left a teaspoon ( I did have a coronation mug, but that got broken years ago, sadly), a little coronation coach (minus the horses, must've got lost ), and a 5 shilling coin, especially minted for the occasion.
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