One of these days I'll learn not to go out for one of my Chew & Chat sessions the night before hosting the music group. It was a bit of a bummer having to get up at 7.30 to tackle the tidying and dusting and hoovering needed to get the place looking respectable, but I managed okay as usual and was sitting calmly waiting when the first guest arrived just after 1.00. It was a good session, followed by a short trip to the local hostelry by three of us for a grand old natter.
But of course I refused the offer of a list down to the pub, and it was while walking back home by a bit of a must-have-a-walk detour that I saw these tenacious daisy-type things happily nestled into the food of a wall. I did my best with the limited resources offered by my little camera to play a it with DOF, but it's all too obvious that the limitations of the G9 just don't allow the extremes which I'd love to play with.
Back at the grindstone afterwards I worked through a batch of corrections requested by the annual report client, and finished up around 10.30.
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