
Following online instruction via Blipfoto from JustSitting, I tried my hand at panning this morning: not for gold which might have been more constructive, but for catching a moving object in focus while all around is not.

If only this trick could be done in real life with me an island of calm and focused, in the midst of a sea of chaos. I might be prepared to give my eye teeth for that.

This experiment turned my intended power walk round the Meadows into yet another stop and start meander, which was not what it should have been about.

I think the thing to do is go out without a camera and risk missing the perfect blip.
This is not the perfect blip but it is my first trial result, and leaves me with a base from which to work from.
In fact, on reflection, I was on the wrong side of the road as there were more cyclists coming towards me with cars in between.

This being Monday, I'm missing seeing my friend of mt's, who's in Ireland visiting family.
With the wind rising and the grey sky ominously close to earth, it's maybe just as well that neither she nor I have to brave the weather.

Instead I shall plan the contents of my panniers for the next big adventure. I am determined that they shall be light enough so that the bike does not tip up backwards the minute I get off the saddle.
I can imagine that the original pile of clothes will have to be whittled down to allow for all the wet weather gear needed for the future forecast.

I have bad vibes about our chances of a summer this year, pessimist that I am.
What a lovely surprise it will be to find that I'm wrong.

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