Retro Girl

Another holiday today, so Juno and I headed out for a longer walk than normal. Not many people around but we met up with a gentleman and his dog, who we shared our walk with.

Today I was helping Eco gran sort out her father's clothes and take them away.

Picked up my mum(eco gran) outside her stair and I spotted a water tank, ideal for tatties at the allotment so headed there with the find.

Picked some rhubarb for my granny.

At the house my granny had started sorting out the clothes, a big positive sign. Eco gran and I started going through the clothes and bagging it. We got through the wardrobe in no time and I put all the stuff in the car.

We then started sorting out another room, I will have to return to take the old furniture away to the dump.

Anyway first stop to the allotment to see if some of the pensioners wanted some clothes. Got rid of loads of jumpers, boots and coats to the allotmenteers, will be the best dressed in town.

Dropped the rest of at the local charity shop. Eco gran delighted with the first stage of cleaning up.

This is eco daughter with a cracking dress and coat from her great grannie's wardrobe, they are heading to the charity vintage shop tomorrow.

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