My inner self

By katharon


come and make me
pure in heart.
come and rescue me
by making mistakes.

Tears of joy,
tears of happiness
and tears
of sorrow.

I´ll need them
to show that I´m a human!

Today, grey and cold day :)
It´s amazing how the weather changes so suddenly. Yesterday there were so hot and today when I woke up, rain falls down the sky:)

It´s amazing also how the life could change so much in a short time. I have had my awful 6 months ever. First my band was breaking apart, then my mom died and then there was this "hard to be a parent"-day and the last thing was this fight with my husband... OMG!
Ooh, I can understand that life do this to make me a better person, but I really hope that they are over for awhile now!!!

I wish that I could live in peace now and then I could make my " art"-things and success for life now..

I´m also glad that I have met you all who read my journal and I really am honored to get your comments!

A big hug to all of you,
with love

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