Daunti's world

By daunti

Doing what I love

I am one of those blessed people who can actually say that I love my job. I teach in PreK in one school in the mornings and I am the librarian for another school in the afternoons, PreK thru eight grades.

Today is the day before the last day in PreK. Tomorrow we will be parting and celebrating the last day of school. I was reading twisted fairy tales today. The Gingerbread Boy and The Gingerbread Girl. Of course the girls were voting for the gingerbread girl not to be eaten by the fox and the boys were hoping the gingerbread boy was not the one to be gobbled up. Well it turned out the gingerbread girl was wiser that the fox. It's a girl thing, I told the boys.

I love reading, I love teaching, I love planting little seeds in my students brains. Today was the day I gave them their wings. I told them that I did all I could do with them and now I have to pass them on. It's a happy sad day. Some will stay at my school and go on to kindergarten, so I will still get to see them grow, and others are leaving to go to other schools. It's the nature of the job.

I do have to say I believe teaching is my purpose and God's will for me and I am grateful in knowing that. Its so not just a job to me...and having the summers off... is not so bad either.

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