Why did the duck want to cross the road?

I watched this lady eider duck whilst I was waiting on the Shore for a bus up to the station. She poked around a bit in some straggly tufts of grass, sat down in it for a little while, then waddled along to the gap in the barrier and had a look at the ragwort. Then she made as if to cross the road - sensibly checking for traffic in both directions. But this is a city street; on the other side of the road is just paving, stone buildings, cobbles, more paving....

Luckily the traffic was heavy enough to put her off, so after a minute or so she gave up and continued to waddle up the Shore, occasionally glancing at the water but showing no sign of going back in.

I was in Newcastle today, walking down through the Black Gate and past the castle itself on my way down to the river. I tried for a photo of the ancient stonework but the light wasn't right. I was thinking how much I take for granted that these buildings are still standing after 750 years or so and how fortunate we are not to have earthquakes in these parts. I've been thinking of our blip chums in Christchurch too.

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