Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Princes St Gardens

I'm flat-hunting at the moment! It's exciting because I'm finally, FINALLY, moving out of a shared flat into a place by myself (long overdue) but really daunting too - mostly because I have such a lot of stuff! I've been in my current abode for almost 7 years so I've accumulated a lot of belongings, and this is a big flat. Everything for one person is so very small! I saw a place in the Grassmarket today that I really liked but I'll have to seriously downsize to fit into it. I still have a month and a half to find somewhere so if I don't get the place I saw today there is still plenty of time, but I'd like to get it sorted asap so I don't have to stress about it! I don't have to stress about that part anyway....
I'm now frantically listing everything I own on ebay - my aims are twofold, 1) make as much money as possible to help me move and 2) get rid of as many possessions as possible before I move!

If anyone knows of a decent sized one bed flat to rent in the Tollcross/Stockbridge areas for under £500 a month do let me know ;)

ps. I will get less fussy about the location as time goes on, if I don't find somewhere by the end of July I'll be forced to move into my sisters flat...

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