Bright Eyes
I've been meeting these rabbits and their friends quite a bit recently, as they've taken up residence under gorse and broom bushes, next to the path that leads off the moor.
I'm not sure that this is the most sensible place for rabbits to live, as just about the whole of Baildon and surrounding villages walk their dogs past this spot, mainly off-lead.
There were six in evidence this morning, and whereas they normally scamper for cover as soon as they see me, these two paused long enough for me to get my camera out of my pocket. Not a great composition, but a record of the encounter at least. 3yo is very keen to meet some wild rabbits, so I may have to walk her down before breakfast one day, as they're normally only about first thing.
A little over a year ago I had a much closer encounter with six young rabbits out on the moor, who were relaxed/innocent enough for me to take a few minutes of video from a few feet away. It makes quite cute viewing.
They were talking about rabbits on Springwatch last week, suggesting that the population was booming this year, which sadly means we should expect another myxo outbreak within the next couple of years.
bright eyes ~ watching ~ which nose ~ will twitch ~ first
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