Sørkedalen - horses

Ive never really taken animal photos before....but I have had the most wonderful photo afternoon/evening together with Me and Max. We were out in the valley where I often photograph - sørkedalen....but she showed me a place I had never been before...although, I have photographed this farm, from afar, many times.

We worked with backlighting, panning, harsh sunlight, and horses :) They are such beautiful creatures but it is actually not easy to get a photo that captures that beauty...at least I struggled. But I caught a few - and what fun! I also got some great portraits of Me and Max - where she looks gorgeous. So fun :)

We have had a 3 day weekend here in Norway - what luxury :) Back to work tomorrow but not long now til summer break....can you sense my smile :)

Hope you have all had a lovely day!

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