At the end of the day

It is a little ridiculous to feel that because you've posted 499 photos that the next one needs to be something special and yet much as I might believe that at some Spock-logical level, there's no denying the feeling that it has to be. And no denying the feeling of intense irritation when I got off the train into a flat grey Edinburgh when just a few days ago the sunshine in the morning had been doing pleasant things to buildings. After a day at work and an evening at Stills, having wandered in the morning, mid-morning, lunchtime and evening, it was a bit dismaying looking through the contents of the card on the train. Still, that's why, when all else has failed and the sun's going down, everyone needs a boat. Or two. Or if you look closely, three.

Cheers all. It's a piece of genius this place. But 500 isn't such a lot to celebrate. It's just the one between 499 and 501. And I can't say it's been much of a struggle to get here. Such fun, good chat and new mates.

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