
By lifeandstuff


I am very fortunate that this is a scene I face daily. My girls. Two of them, anyway. Monday, being a day off, though, we met to go to a training day. I love training days, and being the workaholic that I always have been, have always loved them. I have had a thirst for knowledge in my industry, and have had since the age of fifteen. So I listened, and I listened , and looked on, proud as my girls scribbled away in their notebooks, and we learned lots. :-) of course, I also love the many coffee breaks and chatting opportunity,

but the best bit of the day was the girls stealing the show. Smiles follow them wherever they go, and today they had the whole room laughing.

Once seen, never forgotten. I am happy that this scene faces me every day. :-)

Hope you had a great day. :-)

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