Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

"Worry Not"

I apologize for the flowers. I have a soft spot for Daffodils. These were transplanted from West Virginia. I just love them.

Today I could have given you a picture of the Kinder awaiting vaccination at the immunization clinic, or a pair of old shoes, or Z's buff biceps complete with Scooby-Doo bandaid post mennigococcal vaccination. It was funny to watch him try to impress the immunization nurse by pumping his muscles.

I spent the rest of the afternoon on Woody's tractor, grading dirt. Tomorrow it's the end of vacation and back to work.

The title today is for my blip friend Worry Pas Ta Brain who is struggling with blizzards and religious inflexibility and who needs a little Spring color.

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