
This is Orla, in our bed. She's in our bed because she had a major bedtime meltdown tonight. "I'm not tired" she said, "I no want to go to bed". Of course, we didn't listen and her dad took her to bed. He read her stories, and said goodnight to her. Then he left her room. While he was still on the landing, Orla opened her bedroom door, came out, closed the door behind her and started off down the stairs, without so much as a glance at her dad. He asked her where she was going, and she said "I going downstairs. I no tired". So he put her back in bed. Cue massive tears. I went up and tried to explain to her that it was bedtime, and she had to stay in bed. That didn't work, and inevitably (because between Orla and I it usually does in up in a battle of wills) I ended up standing outside her bedroom holding the door shut while she screamed her head off inside the room. Daddy took over at that point, and decided that letting Orla go to sleep in our bed was the only way to break the cycle. We didn't hear another peep out of her. Daddy's taking her back to her own bed now, let's hope she stays there all night.

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