this is diversity

two kinds of peas - one an old kind developed by monks, one an F1 type developed by some multinational seed company. The old ones are much prettier in the garden and have a higher yield - so why waste time on the new ones? Sometimes I think that humans are just children playing with toys....why make a new kind of pea? Because we can. Humans started fiddling right from the moment their hands became free...throwing stones in rivers, poking sticks at things, pulling legs off primitive spiders...and all that leads to pointless peas.

Have had a busy day getting stuff done, had my brain fizzling away, got stuff done that has been on my list since the first caveman threw the first stone at the first river. Feels pretty good, especially if I ignore what else is on the list.

So, there you go - I'm off to cook peas now. Apparently we're watching footie and eating tea in front of telly tonight. So I scrapped the spaghetti idea...will make something that holds together a bit better....probably with peas.....

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