
By waterliefje


06.30 : I am wake.....looking outsite and the world was WHITE !!! It snowed !!
06.45 : in my car to make picktures in a nature park
07.00 : walking with my bag with 4 lenses and all the equipment to the wild horses
07.30 I "park" my bag becourse it is sooo heavy
07.45 : going back to the place I left my bag....I can not believe what I see.....and what I feel !!! The bag is GONE !!!!!!!!!!
My lenses (like 5) my purse with my money (becourse afther the fotoshoot I would take a breakfast), my creditcards .... my photo from my father ( he is still alive but at that moment you're thinking the most crazy things !!!)

I search till 8.15.....I call the police....the women on the phone told me: (not in this exact words) : " you must be stupid ! A woman alone in that area...you now how many drugdealers are there " !!!!!
But she ask me to come to the policestation .....pppfffff NO way ! First I wanna have my bag back !!
Walking and walking ... falling in the mud.... in the snow....
tired ...
feeling horrible that I was so stupid to leave the bag behind... "
I was thinking: NO ...I was like in 100 meter away from the bag.....!"

I called my sister and her husband ....Guido would come and help me...
Together with Guido we search.....n o t h i n g .... gone ... I feld horrible !

We walked back to the car....we asked a man with his dog if he saw something... "no" : he said....
At that moment a care arived...with a women....she opend the door and looked at me...
At that moment I new it ... I could not believe it ..... she looked at me and asked: do you search a black bag with lenses ?????

I was in a shock .......

Well ... the dog found the bag and she took the bag with her to her home ....she told me that she normaly never take her dog with a walk in this area...but it had snowed and she knew it was soo beautifull in the park .... her dog found my bag ... and she was so surprised : thinking:" wy anybody leaves a bag behind in a park....and at moment she tought : someting happend with this person : maybe a crime ?! "

She went home and called te police.....and she went back to the "crimescene" becourse maybe she would find a person ....

I went home.....crying and feeling so great that person was honest to give my bag back.....;-)

I learned my lesson...

I still in a kind of shock ....

p.s. I made this morning 704 photo's :-))))))

pss......this here are my lenses....can you imagen what happend when they were be stolen ???? That's wy I was so crazy ....

Canon 100-400
Canon 70-200
Canon 24-105
Canon 17-40
Canon 100
Canon 85
Canon 65

please give your respect to "the life of Bri" .... it's Bri's 600th Blipfoto !!!!!!!

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