Chicken Girl.

Before we got The Girls I was convinced Ally would be no1 chicken keeper but no - he cannot remember their names and is scared to pick them up! Also he is a bit like me and loves his bed too much to get up in the morning to feed them...

Anyway, Bella takes it all very seriously - she is up every morning to let them out and check their food and water. She happily helps clean out their house each weekend and loves giving them cuddles.

Amy (Bella's chicken) has gone broody over the weekend (while Ben, Ally and Lil were in charge) so now Bella wants me to order some hatching eggs off eBay so we can have chicks - she thinks Amy would make an excellent mother. I have banished Amy from the nest box in an attempt to cool her down but it is failing miserably as a plan - any suggestions gratefully received!

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