Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


I was in work this morning and called for a newspaper on the way home....the newsagent near the hospital had sold out so I drove around a couple of streets to find another newsagents and there was one right next to this....the old dear was in the front garden, mopping out the path. I just think some people have too much time on their hands to get obsessed about things like who is parking in front of THEIR house! I couldn't make up my mine whether or not these pavement markings were official or whether the old dear had done them herself. The no dog poop here sign looks official but the no parking certainly doesn't.

Of course I was tempted to park right in front of her house....I pay my road tax, blad-de-dah...but seeing as I am a wuss, I didn't! And I waited until she went inside for another bucket of soapy water before getting my camera out.

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