Vive la Vie

By gillybxl


I did an indoor rock climbing course today. It's all part of the new job that I will be starting in August. For the last week I've had butterflies in my stomach because:

a.) I've not done any rock climbing since I was a child.
b.) I didn't want to make a complete tit of myself in front of people that I will be working with.
c.) I had to leave my husband in charge of the children for a whole day.

I left a number of jobs and activities for my husband to 'fill' his time, and it seems they all had a lovely day. They painted and made the aeroplane that I have blipped today. I did actually take my camera with me to the course as I thought I could get some good pictures of the climbing wall, but was too shy to get it out in front of a load of strangers. Perhaps I'll blip it at a later date.

I quite enjoyed the course and only bashed my face once, but I can feel my hands starting to ache as I was gripping the wall, rope etc so tightly. I'm sure with practice it'll get easier.

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