Foxglove Forest
Definitely best viewed in large
These are dizzy days! I've just found out that yesterday's Down-and-Dirty in the Bog hit the Spotlight page this evening. In the case of Disorientation a couple of days ago it wasn't a complete surprise but this one has come right out of left field. I'm so chuffed! As a mathematician I'm curious to know how the algorithm works, but I'm trying hard not to think about it too much and just enjoy the moment again.
Today has been a very blip-centric day. I work up early to a dazzlingly clear morning and went for a run on the moor. I got back convinced that I'd already bagged my blip for the day. Bumped into sgwarnog on the train and then, walking to work along the canal, again dead calm and awash with amazing reflections, I thought I had another strong contender. A warm evening tempted me out on the bike and I stopped to blip the River Wharfe at Barden Bridge. Just as I was taking a shot of the bridge I saw RunningBear come into the picture, out training with her partner. It was RunningBear who first introduced me to this whole wonderful experience. So, I was caught in the act of blipping by a fellow blipper. Has that ever happened to anyone else? As I cycled back home I was thinking that I must use that shot and call it Synchronicity.
Well, you can see that I didn't do that. The evening was drawing in and the light wasn't really good enough for the shot I wanted. That will be saved for another day. The blip that I've posted here was actually quite unexpected. It was a bit of a throwaway shot really - but it blew all the other contenders out of the water.
Closely related to Synchronicity is Serendipity, and I've experienced a fair bit of that in my short time here. This site seems to provide fertile ground for magic to happen. This phenomenon has always fascinated me and I actually wrote a piece on my blog a few months back called Serendipity and Synchronicity. I'd be fascinated to hear of other people's experiences.
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who has commented on my recent blips. You're all such lovely people! These long daylight hours are making it very difficult for me to reciprocate in the way that I would like. I've just had a game of tennis with No.2 son, bringing me to 10pm and I've still to make dinner. But life is to be lived. I want to make the most use of every available daylight hour. Catch up with you all soon.
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