Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Strip Lighting

After yesterday's dramatic shot, it was back to the mundane for which I am renowned. I first saw the potential of this shot, if you can call it that, on Sunday but something better came along for that day, although I don't recall exactly what.

Sunday... Sunday... Let me see... No! I haven't a clue.

I liked the way the sunlight was making a pattern of the upper deck on the lower deck and the say the door reflected the outside inside, if you get my drift.

Today in Jacksonville has been horrible. The smoke from the wildfires has steadily become thicker and more acrid as the afternoon wore on. The sky has been a yellowish grey and the light a sort of pinky-orange. It reminded me of one of those 1950s Sci-Fi movies -- The Day The Earth Caught Fire.

I really thought all the rain yesterday would have cleared the atmosphere, as well as extinguishing the wildfires. Just goes to show what I know. :-)

Off to someone's 70th birthday celebration tonight. Party is probably not the right word. I think it will be more like a soirée.

B&W conversion in Silver Efex Pro.

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