A glimpse

19months 25days

...of Katie in her teenage years perhaps? Katie very rarely pays any attention to the television. She likes the songtime DVD on sometimes, but doesnt often just sit, transfixed on it. But today she watched the Wiggles. Pulled up a cushion, laid down and watched it.

We had an early start. She woke at 4.30, up for the day. But I wasnt too bothered as we had Harrison and Aiden arriving by 7. It wasnt fantastic, as they'd been dragged out bed for this so were neither of them at their bests, bless them. Aiden came round after milk and cereal, Harrison is pretty worn out today.

We went to tea and toast, to save my sanity (and Katies toys) from utter destruction. Harrison played pretty nicely. After munching through quantities of every available food, Katie and Aiden both admitted defeated and went to sleep. Katie has never just sat in her pushchair, stationary, and gone to sleep, so she must have been utterly bushed! Aiden didnt sleep long at all, so when it was time to go, rather than disturb Katie to put Aiden in her buggy, Julie took Aiden home with her.

Tea and toast was extra nice as our friend Anna came for the first time since having her new baby girl, Rose. She's her third daughter, and absolutely adorable. It was lovely to have cuddles with such a teeny.

Katie and Harrison had an inside picnic and a play at our house before we took Harrison to join Aiden. Katie was very excited as we went to mee Avabobbins and her mummy. We had a wonderful time, as always. The girls claimed the float as their own and were both water themselves with the watering cans. Katie had me throwing her in the water repeatedly. I love seeing them so at ease with the water.

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