All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Just looking

When I dropped Ethan at nursery this morning, I discovered that it was to be his last day in the baby room, as (after many trial sessions) he's finally graduating to the Tweenie room next week. The assistant manager was telling me how much they'll miss him in the baby room (bet they say that to all the parents)! She also said that most children his age don't tend to interact well with other children as at that stage, they play better by themselves. However she has noticed how sociable Ethan is as he loves getting involved and playing with the other children. I've noticed for ages that he likes being with other children, but it was good to have it confirmed that he's the same at nursery too.

When I picked him up this evening, they said he'd had a great day. However again within minutes of getting home, it was major meltdown time again. The problem as far as I can tell, seems to be that he just wants to be outside playing all the time, not playing in the house. He refused all his dinner and lay on the floor screaming or marching to the front door and standing there with tears streaming down his face. Much as I don't want to give in to these tantrums, after half an hour of this, I took him out on his tricycle and he was like a different boy. We then played in the back garden for a while (where he loved spying on my next door neighbours partner who was cutting the grass). Finally at 6.30pm, he came happily in the house and ate a wee bit of dinner. He was happy as could be in the bath and fell asleep mid bottle of milk.

I guess we're going to have to rethink our evening routine since this is happening night after night!

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