BlipaEwan 42...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I take the same photo in the same place each 1st and 15th of each month along with a wee diary of what has happened and how life has progressed for each of them. Bethany on the 1st and Ewan on the 15th. It is quite remarkable and is accentuated by the 1 year ago thumbnail down in the bottom right.

I just noticed this month that Ewan has started getting really good at riding his bike with stabilisers. When I first tried to get him to try pedalling on the trike that Bethany learned, he was most unwilling to give it a shot and only really managed to get decent runs after being pushed. Of late, I've just gone to taking him out on his stabilisered bike. He's started to really pick up speed and confidence to the point where he can pedal brilliantly and up certain inclines. I actually tried giving him a turn without the stabilisers the other day but he was way too shakey.

Mrs TFP torn some ligaments last night so I had to take the day off and I got to go on the teddy bear picnic that the nursery put on. The nursery try to take the kids out every Wednesday for a morning in the local woods. It was a great morning.

You can check out the rest of this series and see her progress by entering the words tagged BlipaEwan into the Blip Search facility.

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