Bits Bobs and Bats

By vix

I did that!

Well, this is it. My first finished painting in about 20 years!

I am pleased and feel excited about what I could and will achieve in the future.

I started art classes about 16 weeks ago. It has been a tonic in terms of giving me a bit of space from double motherhood but more importantly, in rekindling my love of art. A love of art not shackled by the pretensions and paranoia of being a teenager and without the pressure of producing results for grades.

I know this painting is not perfect. but to have produced this in a new medium, in the 6 weeks of 2 hrs of classes it took me, is an achievement damnit!

A pat on the back and a goblet of vino is in order (any excuse of course)...

P.s - Big thanks to my wonderful teacher/guider/friend Ashley More - a fantastic self-taught artist in her own right and someone who can bang out a good pallet in no time...

Onwards and upwards!

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