Oh what hoots. This one landed "for tea" in a quite zippy performance. Though, as I was out being a townie with my camera, the subsequent photograph revealed the pilot quite glaring at me. Now wouldn't you have thought he would have been pleased at the attention. Not going to get a free whiz around with him then am I.

Anyway, he and his pal have now zoomed off to the west again, byeee, and even as I type another wee plane is puttering into land. Whoops, no, must have missed the airstrip and gone off again. Is it a bird, is a plane, oh such fun!

There's a diver on the sea in the background, a Great Northern Diver, self-found, but to be honest I need a bit of a break from the birding. Though planes do have wings of course .....

Please look at my back blip for yesterday. I think it is going to be one of my most memorable shots ever!

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