michigan man

By outdoorguy

Stand Up and Cheer

As hard as I tried...yesterdays blip and debacle was weighing on my mind. I needed something to cheer me up. A morning walk to my friends house to go out to lunch just might do the trick. Lunch with her and her two granddaughters gave me a taste of what to expect with my grandson when he is that age. From what I can gather...Wendy's has the best chicken nuggets, and that little junior frosty is not bad either.

They dropped me off, and I got my van, got my "other" camera...and headed to the river. I saw a "giant" fish at the base of the falls. I know about as much as fish as I do about flowers and birds...which is'nt much. It was 2 feet long, and languished in the rapids for 20-25 minutes. Perhaps he was eating a tasty treat. I hope he was'nt thinking about jumping upstream...because it's at least 20 feet high.

I saw the family of geese that has 19 goslings. They are all still there, and looking very healthy, and are beginning to show some signs and colors of adulthood.

I sat down on a park bench to "think" about what happened yesterday.

The tiny duckling spoke first. "My aunt flew in yesterday from the state park, and told us a doozy of a story about some guy that dumped his boat, his camera, and his phone. Was that you?"

I told her it was.

"How about I try something to lift your spirits?

I said "Sure...give it your best shot."

She was very "wordly" for being so young. She asked... "Did you ever see Chris Farley in "Tommy Boy"? There was a scene in there where Chris takes a very small suitcoat, and prances around saying..." Fat guy in a tiny suit...Fat guy in a tiny suit. He forces the suitcoat on until the suit rips right in half. I laughed my beak off."

"OK mister... watch this!! It's better than Chris. Chubby duckling with tiny wings...Chubby duckling with tiny wings."

I smile everytime I see the babies spreading their wings. As small as their wings are...they must really grow later.

The ducklings trick had worked.

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