Brown Georgia Strait
On the ferry this morning for the Gulf Islands after a very wet drive from Seattle. Very windy. Not a good thing as we are bringing a part for our bigger boat from the US and were thinking we'd go to Saltspring Is. in our little boat to deliver it to the marine service center. Not in this wind.
It did calm down about 4PM but the marina is delivering a boat nearby here tomorrow so said they'd come pick up the part! OK!
I'm blipping this for 2 reasons.
1) The coior of the water in the strait of Georgia - it's all very muddy - I think from the runooff from the Fraser River - it's like a flood from all the wet weather...
2) The Vancouver flag. Game #7 of the Stanley Cup hockey has just begun and if I don't watch even a little(and I'm definitely not a hockey fan...), I'll be a bad ""Canadian". We grew up in Chicago with the Blackhawks so never did like Boston anyway! OK, I did flip this picture so yu could read "Vancouver - (it was actually a north wind, but that made the flag now Galiano Is is on the left, and Mayne is on the right :-) reversed from reality. ) Go Vancouver Canucks! (I can't believe I'm saying this.)
I'm trying Aperture out - might be a mistake - not sure Im ready for a new learning curve. But it is easy to use PSE from here! Will try RAW tomorrow...
Oh oh, Boston just scored the first goal!
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