I Witness

By KangaZu

H is for .....

Huge Handsome Horses.

I had a busy, busy morning out trying to find an H. I started out by going to the Burnside Plantation to see if the police Horses were out. Darn, they weren't! I then Headed to the Hospital to photograph the big blue H.

After that I remembered where I could possibly see more Horses. I was in luck! There in the pasture next to the road where at least ten Horses out grazing. I was so close I could reach out and pet them if I had dared. I wasn't afraid of the horses I just didn't want to get yelled at!

A couple of days ago I read in the local paper about a young girl (teenager) that was having a book sale to benefit the Make-a-wish foundation. The proceeds of the book sale will send a 4-year old with leukemia on a once in a lifetime trip. Since I am an avid reader I have tons of books around so I took a Huge bag to the collection site. I may even go the book sale when it happens. I will just have to remember what books I donated and not buy them again!

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