nature red in tooth and claw

Flea came home and saw me and said "what the hell are you doing wearing Spitzi#1's bikini and why are you covered in blood?"
So I proudly told her of my fight with the pea-stalk and how I'd won.

Today I carried on with the mowing, this time in a more modern way. The grass I cut by hand yesterday is drying nicely so the rabbits will have hay over winter. Although Switzerland does know about machines, there are many parts of the country that can only be farmed by traditional methods - the use of scythe, rake and pitchfork is considered normal on a hill or mountain farm. I learnt all that stuff when we were doing proper farming - I used to be out in the fields for hours with kids on my back raking and raking and raking til I thought I would die. The tiny patch I'm doing by hand at the moment seems just silly in comparison.

After my hot and sweaty work in the garden today I did my favourite thing and grazed my way around a load of yummy raw things...when the cherry juice splattered all over my tummy this blip came to mind and Flea came home just in time to press the button for me. Another combined effort today - will try and release the shutter myself tomorrow!

and....I was just about to post this and looked at the picture again...guess who used to roll her own for years??

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