Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

stuck at home blip............

so i was supposed to be heading out and about this afternoon with a view to taking some street shots. something i don't take too many of. a mate of mine was going to join me and finally make some use of all the camera gear he purchased a while ago.
alas todays plan has changed...............big time. i am now stuck at home looking after two sick kids. lexie wasn't great at school yesterday and her teachers made it known that they were being nice by not sending her home. yeah ok she wasn't her usual full of beans self but she was hardly at the i need to be at home stage.
anyway she was a bit worse this morning so i now have my angel at home AND my nephew who is also ill. for two kids who aren't well they sure make a lot of noise. although they must be ill as they have been playing together all morning and have yet to fall out. a minor achievement but one worth mentioning.
so given the stuck at home situation we have a pic from the back garden. i left the final choice up to Baby McDawg as i'm not exactly overwhelmed with the few shots i had to choose from.

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