Planko's Pics

By planko

Big Red Balloon

Spotted my first balloon of the season this morning on the way to work, so took a detour and chased it through the hillside near home. Took this just as it was coming down to land in a field. Tons of shots, but i liked this one the most.

I do like ballons :)

The farmer and his daughter were also chasing after it on their quadbike as it had passed over their house and woke everyone up and they thought it was in trouble. Turns out it takes off from Perth at 6am and lands wherever it is at 7am. 10 minutes later the 4x4 and trailer turned up and they deflated it. Might post the shots to flickr later.

Talking of Flickr, i walked into a bliptrap that Mr Smith had set up at lunchtime. Typical, yet another day i popped out of the office between conference calls to grab something to eat and spotted something when i didn't have my camera.


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