RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography


Our neighbors have been talking about the rainy season since we moved into our condo complex. They talked about the storms, how the rains clear the air, and how everything once again turns green. We have been anxiously awaiting their arrival.

Today, we had our first experience with the summer rains. The sky darkened soon after sunrise and about an hour later the heavens opened with an incredible downpour of rain. No thunder or lightning as we had heard and seen on previous nights, but rain like we rarely encountered back in our home state - Washington. About a half hour later, the rain stopped, the clouds cleared, and the sun returned to its customary place in a clear blue sky. Hopefully, we will see a few more rainstorms like this before we head to the United States at the end of the month and I will have the opportunity to get more illustrative photos.

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