Fairfield Days

By fairfielddays11

Free Ride

Well my first blip ever after much persuasion from Mrs BH. It's not the greatest of pictures, but it was from my mobile, not my camera as, like a div, I actually forgot to take it with me.

I'm on gardening leave at the moment, an unplanned hiatus between changing career. But before I do, I really am gardening. Although it really did rain very hard today. I was grateful that I had borrowed my brother's lawnmower on Tuesday to get rid of the foot high meadow my garden laughingly calls a lawn. Anyway today I returned it and spent a serendipitus afternoon with my nieces. To aid my SiL we went to Sainsbury's and afterwards the girls got to play on the rides outside.

Apparently Daddy puts money in it. But we didn't. Still, ER seems to be enjoying herself, no?

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