In Between Days

By jase


A top down view of Louis playing console games before bed. The game is Little Big Planet 2 which was one of Alana's birthday presents. It's great because three of us (the kids and me) can all play at the same time. It is a game with broad appeal. Only today Louis and me were busy trying to beat the bad guys but were regularly held up by Alana who kept wanting to change her outfit in the middle of a battle! I suppose a girl has to look her best, even when being squashed by a mechanical chicken.

Alana has been on a school trip to Scarborough today. I think she had a nice time. She certainly enjoyed her lemon topper ice cream! She had five pounds spending money and she spent part of it on a present for Louis. What a nice big sis!

Friday tomorrow. A thought just flashed in my head which went along the lines of "Why don't I go and repair my punctures so that I can ride in?". It quickly got an answer which involves another big blue bus so maybe I'm not ready yet. I will be back on the bike next week!

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