Ever bright and fair

By vincedesjardins

Hemerocallis fulva - The Tawny Daylily

These common daylilies are currently in bloom all over Bloomington. I shot this one in a neighbor's yard. When I was living in Washington state, I was given a few starts of these by one of our neighbors who knew that I loved flowers and was trying to start a garden. She warned me that they spread like weeds, but I didn't care. A few years later I regretted planting them because they did spread like weeds and began to crowd out everything else that I had planted. I ended up digging most of them out. They are beautiful while in bloom but their beauty is short-lived. After a few short weeks they will be finished and then all that will be left is a lot of dried stems rising above lots of green leaves, which themselves begin to turn yellow if they don't get enough water. I prefer some of the modern hybrids that bloom repeatedly over a longer period.

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