Yucca blossom microcosm

This little blossom appears to have a whole lot of activity going on. There are a couple of mature flies that I think have metamorphosed from the yellow bugs. There are also some "husks" of both flies and yellow bugs. They appear to have been sucked dry by the interesting predator in the center right of the frame. It appears to have been caught in the act of doing something to one of the yellow bugs which it appears to be holding off the blossom with it's mouth parts. The predator is the guy with the regular pattern of "fluffy" white "stalks" on it's back. There are also a lot of sap balls and a whitish structure that may be fungal.

I give thanks for the fascination of the natural world and that there are still so many new things to see.

Update: I know so little about bugs. The yellow bugs are aphids. The flies are a kind of midge the loves yucca aphids. What the fierce guy sucking the aphid dry is unknown. The fungus is probably a fungus as fungus is particularly fond of aphids and kills them in several ways.

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