Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Garage Tour 2008

Didn't actually go on a tour of the garages. Mostly because the green I spent most of my time on only has one garage.

Found a few creepy stairwells, and wandered through a tunnel or two. I saw the rust and decay of the campus and caught a glimpse or two of budding art.

Discovered a shadowed pipe and the wear and tear on a weathered and rusty chain.

Does anybody have an idea what kind of tree THIS is?

*only adjustment made to above photo is a slight increase in the shadow levels.

The merchant spied a young male and put on his selling face. This guy looked like a prime target.
"Got a lady friend?"
The young guy looked up. "What?"
"Do you have a lady friend?"
"I just thought that you'd like to buy her a nice little gift. Not expensive."
"No thank you."
"Come on over and see what i've got!"
The guy hesitated. He was in rather hot water with his girl. Maybe this would be just the thing to show her he cared.

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