The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

Soda Pop Simple

I guess I've never been much of a helper
I can give you an "aw" or an "I'm sorry" but nothing that seems to have meaning or that does any good
And I guess you never were either
It's sad how you're the best I've got and I can't tell you anything
But that's how we've always been. And will probably always be

Truth is though, I would give so much to see you happy
I would sacrifice things I hold dear just to see you relax
And not in that creepy, stalker, "I'll make your life better while I watch from the bushes" type of way
I just want you to feel like, for once, the world doesn't rest on your shoulders

I'm glad I'm your something. I'm glad you consider me a friend.
I just wish I could be there for you when you need it

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