
By Barking

Kodak - AKA Sky

We said last week that that would be the end of the Puppy portraits but tonight I bring you one last one. Kodak - soon to become Sky (a bit girlie if you ask me, which you didn't) and his sister Pentax (Eva) were in high spirits this evening when I popped by. It's kind of sad to see the two wee ones all alone in the big puppy box but when I left they were both snuggled up with JL on the couch so seemed pretty happy.

She's done such a great job with these guys and I know she'll be gutted when they both go. Sky (I can't get used to that) is leaving on a jetplane (very apt) tomorrow morning and Eva will be heading off on Sunday.

I gave them both a huge hug and they bit my ears and scratched my face 'lovingly' in return. I remember Cousteau when he was that age. There were times when we could have gladly throttled him. I'm glad we didn't.

Late now. Gotta go to bed.

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