H2 is playing at blipping

By H2

Diana's choice

Having successfully negotiated one of the busier, and most travelly, weeks in recent times with the only thing really suffering being my dedication to Blip (sorry), I have landed up in a rather lovely holiday cottage in the Cotswolds with Mary, Diana and Rancey.

We've been mooching today and Diana decreed I should photograph the ancient car on the far side of the duckpond.

Fair enough, I thought. She thought I should blip it, too, rather than the duckling & duck, or Rancey's hand being licked by a calf - both which were (technically anyway) better pictures. I appear to have left any decision-making abilities I ever had on a train/plane/car/hotel room bedside table somewhere; and so here it is.

By the by, in case anyone is wondering, yesterday's car was used as a teaching illustration for the phenomenon whereby some people see the big picture, being oriented to symbolism and future possibilities, where others see detail, being focussed on concrete reality and past experience. It's quite cool. So have a look and ask yourself - do you see (first) a menu with a car on the front, or do you see Italy?

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