
By Jee

Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the..

Todays been quite a quiet day. Had a meeting at the bank this morning to change my card because i'll hopefully have a job in November when I turn 16. Rest of the day just chilled at home and took a few photo's.
I seem to always put my foot in it. I always try my best to help a friend when somethings up but somehow I always end up apologising. Something about me is i'm not exactly the best person at apologising. But I do always try my hardest to help those closest to me, and whenever I hurt someone I get really upset and worry about it, but thats just who I am.
Been reading a couple of photography magazines today and I read an article on how to get the perfect Black & White's through editing on photoshop. Thing is I don't actually have photoshop so I had to kind of do with a free editor called picnik- but this is what I ended up with :) I liked it 'cause I thought it shew the wrinkles and print really well, shame it's not the right way round but it will do. Make sure to look at yesterdays backblip of my converse :D

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