Through The Autism Lens


Show & Tell

Every Friday at school is Show & Tell. We get to take in one of our toys or anything that we would like to 'show' to everyone and 'tell' them about. Today I chose my Lego magazine.

It's brightly coloured, has Lightening McQueen on the front cover and is full of great stuff. There are stories, puzzles, pictures and competitions as well as extructions on how to build things if you have the right kind of pieces. I probably do have, but it would mean pulling some of my other things to pieces to get to them! So I don't bother.

Today was also my class assembly. Mom and Nan came to watch me and said I did great. Our assembly was all about Dad's because it's Father's Day on Sunday. I only had one line to say which was "my Dad likes to play games with me" and I remembered it, said it loud and clear and saw Mom smileing at me from the crowd, so I know I did well. At the end we got to go to our parents to give them all hugs and kisses before going back to class. Mom and Nan gave me a big hug and Mr P said that I'd done a fantastic job and that because I sat nicely, quietly, said my lines clearly and played my drums well that I could have a Golden Ticket. I helped him put all the chairs away when Mom & Nan went then we went back to class.

I also got two more Golden Tickets today off Mr H for excellent behaviour, good manners, being kind and helpful and for great work too. Mom was ever so proud of me :)

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